Drinking and Time Travel Go Hand-in-Hand.
Inspired by Lindsey over at immoderation and on the heels of a Saturday that will probably turn out to be one of my more sloshed days, as we'll be drinking from 10am in the hot sun, followed up by a farewell party to a friend moving to Brazil. We're going to hfstival here in B-more-BILLY IDOL ROCKS!!! I've decided to post a list - in no particular order -of some of my really really drunken moments along with some pics!!!...
When I was 17 on Thanksgiving some friends got together at my friend the preacher's son's house (which was right next to his father's house). We drank a lot, and at some point during the night I decided it would be a good idea to take off out the front door, take all my clothes off and run around the preacher's house buck naked. When they finally caught me, they threw me in the shower and we went to bed. The next morning I woke up to banging on the door. It took me a second to realize where I was. I was lying on the fold out couch bed, which was right next to the front door. Then I realized I was cuddling with the preacher's 16-yr old daughter. THEN I realized it was my preacher pounding on the door... I was in the closet for a while, thankfully I hadn't driven there, so my car wasn't out front!
Went to Greece last summer, sailed around to all the party places, Santorini, Mykonos, and Ios. We pretty much drank from 10am until 5am for 8 days straight. This picture is in Ios, one night from 6pm until 4am (when I stopped counting) we had 25 rounds of shots and beer. On the way home my friends (now hubby and wife) were arguing and I got tired of it, so I layed down half on the sidewalk half in the street and passed out and they saw it fit to adorn me in leaves and take a picture, THEN take me out of the street and back to the boat.
Same trip, this time on Santorini, which is an old volcano. The towns are on the rim of the volcano which you can only reach by railcar or by walking or taking a donkey up this like 3 mile zigzag road which is covered in shit from the donkeys. We took the railcar up and after banging back 30+ drinks at 430am we decided it was time to go back to the boat. Unfortunately the railcar doesn't run from midnight to 630am, so we had to walk down the "trail of shit". Try walking down a zillion steps after drinking for 13 hours... not easy. I don't remember but the girl I was walking with tells me I was walking on top of the wall that seperates the trail and a 50 ft drop to the next part of the trail, then after she talked me in to not walking on the wall, I decided to roll down it. Below is a pic of me passed out mostly naked (I thought it'd be funny to pull my pants down and wait for my friends to come around the corner, but then I passed out!)I've blurred out my ass so no one will go blind. You can't really see much, but here's a pic of me hanging over the edge of the wall, my friends who were ahead of us took that pic. Also, for perspective, a pic of the walk of shit...
In Jamaica for this past New Years Eve we started drinking at noon to celebrate the coming New Year. The first pic below was at 8pm when we were getting ready to leave for the NY celebration, I'm already toasted. Then there's a couple pics of me trying to smootch on my friends wife and grab her boobs. I don't remember the countdown... of course this could be every New Year celebration for the past 10 years, but this is the latest AND I have pics, so it gets the mention.
I was recently at another friends wedding reception and decided to try EVERYTHING they had behind the bar... Bad Idea Number 1. For some reason the bartender thought I'd like 5 kahluas to finish off the night... Bad Idea Number 2. I left the party in the limo with a couple of my friends and the happy couple (they had actually been married a couple of weeks before in Italy, so it wasn't their actual wedding night) the limo driver decided to take the windiest road known to man... Bad Idea Number 3. I blew chunks on myself, and when we got to their house, my friends got me out of the limo and took my shirt/tie off and tossed it in the bushes. We got back in the limo and went over one speed bump and I puked throughout the whole limo, Linda Blair style.
While still with ex-wife I went out with some friends the night before Valentine's day got really wasted, a friend of mine drove me home, where I barely stumbled out of his truck to puke on the street in front of my house. That night I was sleeping on the couch and remember waking up and realizing I was going to puke, but being too drunk to move, so I hurled on myself and the couch and went back to sleep. I woke up the next morning, rolled over and there was the wife sitting on the other couch looking at me with this disgusted look on her face. I smiled and said, "Happy Valentine's Day... You think you could take me to my car?" Were you wondering why she's my Ex-wife???
I Went to my company Christmas party and I don't know about you, but I can't resist a free drink. I was double-fisting it back from the bar every time like I thought they were gonna run out of booze any minute. I proceeded to do the worm across the dance floor, which is the last thing I remember. The next day at noon I woke up in bed with 2 ladies from work, unfortunately couldn't remember what the hell happened, but I'm sure I was great!
I Went to my friends wedding, again free drinks, lots of wine at the reception, then we hit the dance club. One of the bridesmaids dropped her glass while dancing barefoot. She got a shard of glass in her foot, I picked her up, swayed over to a table, set her on it, then pulled the glass out of her foot with my teeth, apparently this was impressive as I woke up in bed with her... and the entire bridal party (4 other girls) in same bed, thanks to time travel I had no recollection of how I got there, but I was happy. :)
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